Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Packages, Packages

Muchos thank yous to all. I am going to be super unhealthy for the next little while. Lori, I got your package the very next day from when you sent it. so you could have put some home made deliciousness in, but that is okay. Grandma and Grandpa, I am looking forward to not having to buy razors for quite some time as well as sipping on some delicious hot chocolate.

This past week has gone by so fast it is hard to remember everything we did. I really enjoyed general conference. I am super excited to get the Ensign as well so I can read and reread the wonderful messages. We were able to watch all the sessions, even though we were a little late to the Saturday morning session, and to priesthood. Did they announce something about elder Russell M nelson? I noticed that he didn't give a talk in conference, which is weird because all of the twelve speak.

Something else exciting that happened this week was yesterday I decided that I wanted to get sick. I felt really really hungry so we went and got a burger at a place that is about 200 yards from our house.While there I felt really not good, so we went back home so I could lay down and hopefully feel better. I ended up throwing up (twice in total) and we spent the rest of the day at home with me in bed. I am feeling a little bit better today. I still feel a little weak but my stomach isn't feeling too bad. I think I am over it now.

Hopefully this week will be a good one a there won't be any more unexpected sicknesses. Thanks to all y todo que hacen.


Elder Paxton

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